
Shot de patrimoine : L’oeuvre des frères Duthoit pour l’église St-Jean-Baptiste


Had a long day? Treat yourself to a heritage "shot" by discovering the heritage nuggets in your area. Heritage shots are the perfect mix of a theme and a place to discover in 30 minutes.
Tonight, discover Aimé and Louis Duthoit, artists from Amiens and collaborators of Viollet-le-Duc, who were commissioned around 1850 to create the furniture for the new church in Long. Discover this exceptional collection of furniture by the "last imagiers of the Middle Ages".

Practical information
Duration: 30 minutes

Rdv in front of St-Jean-Baptiste church, 80510 Long

Information: 09 70 20 14 14 or

Date and time

Open on 16/08/2024
  • Vendredi:from 18h30 to 19h00
