
Présent ?

For young people



by Claire Pouderoux

The adaptation of Présent? tells the story of a teenager who realizes, just a few days before her class council meeting, that there is no future for her after 3rd grade. By revealing her talent for drawing, almost by chance, she attracts the attention and interest of one of her teachers. Jeanne Benameur?s novel plunges us into the daily life of a middle school at the end of the school year. The 3e class council is approaching. The teaching staff has to make choices about the future direction of teenagers, some of whom are failing at school, and many of whom are faced with a future with no prospects.
Madison Cotard has repeated two classes, her academic results are mediocre and she spends her time drawing during class. How will she cope with the days leading up to her class reunion? How will she find her place in school and in the world?

This show is part of the Comédie de Picardie's decentralized tour.
Production: Compagnie le doute est permis - Coproduction: Théâtre du Chevalet - Noyon, TNP de Villeurbanne - Support: DRAC Hauts-de-France, DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, SPEDIDAM, Métropole de Lyon, Ville de Villeurbanne, Le Safran - Amiens, Théâtre de l?Iris, Fabrique JASPIR, la Grange aux artistes -Sablet.


Price Min. Max.
Single fixed rate 5€

Payment methods

  • Transfer

Date and time

Open on 21/01/2025
  • Mardi:from 10h00 and from 14h30
