

For young people



The daughter of a Turkish father and a Norman mother, Euphrate is a high school senior who is having difficulties with the school system. In addition to her mediocre results, she must soon decide on a career path: a real headache. This leads her to wonder what impact her dual culture has had on the construction of her identity. In a delightful, humorous dialogue with her father, she sets out to discover her Turkish roots and childhood memories. Intertwining dance and words, the show recounts with the freedom of a joyful body the path towards asserting her own voice as a woman.

Production: Artépo. Supported by DRAC Île-de-France, Région Île-de-France, département du Val-de-Marne, S.T.E.P.S. - Anis Gras-Lelieu de l?Autre (Arcueil), Nouveau Gare au Théâtre - Vitry-sur-Seine, L?étoile du nord - Paris, ECAM ? Le Kremlin Bicêtre, Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Abbaye du Reclus, Talus Saint Prix, CIDJ, Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar, Auberge de jeunesse Yves Robert, Théâtre de la Cité Internationale - Paris, Institut Français - Turkey.


Price Min. Max.
Child rate 2€ 5€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash
  • Transfer

Date and time

Open on 13/03/2025
  • Jeudi:from 14h30 and from 20h30
