Sports and cultural activities

Baie de somme exploration


Want to explore our beautiful region?

The mystery walks will seduce you. Between the search for the capsules and the resolution of the enigmas, you will discover our natural and historical heritage while having fun

A treasure has been hidden not far from your home or your vacation spot! Go in teams to find it before the other adventurers! Challenges and other surprises await you, and of course, the treasure at the end of your quest!

The social distance of more than one meter is respected between the guide and the guests. Hydroalcoholic gel is available at the start and at the finish. The booklets are plasticized for a better decontamination.
Tourism Quality



  • Equipment loan


Price Min. Max.
Other Rate All year 60€
Other Rate 15€
Other Rate 72€
Other Rate 18€
Adult price 15€
Child price 10€
Adult price 60€

Payment methods

  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash
  • Transfer


Open all year


  • Specific theme activities
  • Outings
  • Orienteering
  • Nature observation
  • Orienteering
  • Orienteering
  • Orienteering
  • Nature observation
  • Treasure hunt
  • Treasure hunt
  • Nature observation
  • Nature observation
  • Escape game
