




Thumbelina, a little girl no taller than an inch, lives a sweet existence with her mother. But her happiness is short-lived: kidnapped in turn by a frog and a cockchafer, she is finally abandoned in the forest.
What follows is a series of perilous adventures from which the little girl emerges stronger than ever. Edouard Signolet?s direction and Mattéo Franceschini?s music create an odyssey in which Cécile Pruvot?s illustrations play a central role. Each tableau, each character is characterized by a style, a music, an era. This opera offers the spectator an immense palette of styles and musicality, where rupture is the key word. Mattéo Franceschini has fun blurring the lines between opera (classical and baroque), jazz, blues, chanson réaliste and art music.

Production: La Clef des chants, Décentralisation Lyrique - Région Hauts-de-France.
Coproduction: Château d?Hardelot - Entente cordiale Cultural Center (Conseil
Conseil Départemental du Pas-de-Calais) and Atelier Lyrique de Tourcoing.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 12€ 15€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 17/01/2025
  • Vendredi:from 20h30
