
Orchestre de Picardie




The unusual length, the unprecedented complexity of the first movement, the terrible grandeur of the Funeral March, the extravagant speed of the Scherzo? Beethoven did not spare his listeners when he premiered his Symphony in E flat in 1805. Everything about the "Eroica" seemed crazy at the time! Schönberg, another musical "agitator", had a very different posthumous destiny, albeit just as exciting, if we consider the Second Chamber Symphony he premiered in 1940 in New York. Beneath the "modernist" language, the Viennese master reveals a dark and ardent post-Romantic inspiration of unprecedented musical richness. As for Richard Strauss, he too had a dazzling debut.... In any case, his juvenile First Horn Concerto (1883), a work of "conquering mornings" if ever there was one, makes an ideal introduction to this program of "musical adventurers".


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 20€ 24€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 20/12/2024
  • Vendredi:from 20h30
