
Les faux british




Winner of the 2016 Molière for Comedy, "Les Faux British" hits the road again for an anniversary tour. The team continue their murderous investigation in the same whirlwind of disasters and madness. Seven fans of English noir novels decide to create a show, even though they have never been on stage before. They have chosen an unpublished play by Conan Doyle, set in the late 19th century, in a superb manor house in the heart of England, during an engagement party. The festivities are about to begin when a murder is committed. Every guest in the castle becomes a dangerous suspect. These valiant "actors for a night" soon discover that theater requires a great deal of rigor. Despite all their good will, one disaster follows another at a furious pace. In the midst of this joyous confusion, our Faux British, armed with their legendary British phlegm, will do everything in their power to interpret this theatrical thriller that is so close to their hearts.

The authors are represented in France by Renauld & Richardson, in agreement with United
Agents Ltd. London.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 20€ 24€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 09/01/2025
  • Jeudi:from 20h30
