
Allez, Ollie…à l’eau

For young people



Compagnie des petits pas dans les grands

Allez, Ollie? à l?eau! is the story of Mamie Olive and Oliver dit Ollie. These two had never met, and yet Mamie Olive is his great, great grandmother! This grandmother has great difficulty getting around after breaking her hip, and Ollie even has to give up her room on the first floor. But Ollie learns that Granny Olive was Olympic swimming champion at the 1948 London Olympics! And the craziest thing is that Ollie is scared to death of water? Learning to swim is absolutely out of the question. Will Grandma Olive be able to make Ollie understand that taking the plunge doesn't have to mean sinking? And besides, how does flotation work?


Price Min. Max.
Child rate 2€ 5€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 19/06/2025
  • Jeudi:from 10h00 and from 14h30
