
Journée mondiale du patrimoine de l’audiovisuel

Congress / Conference



Radio platform

a policy for safeguarding and promoting audiovisual heritage on a regional scale.
The Archives et Bibliothèque patrimoniale, in partnership with Archipop, Télé Baie de Somme, the Somme II association, the Parc naturel régional - Baie de Somme Picardie Maritime and Le Rex-Centre culturel, are hosting a radio debate on the issues involved in safeguarding, promoting and using audiovisual heritage in our region.

The main archives of the 20th and 21st centuries are made up of audiovisual documents, films, television programs and radio recordings
radio recordings. This obvious fact prompted UNESCO, back in 2007, to consider creating a World Day dedicated to this phenomenon. The date chosen, October 27, is highly symbolic, since it was on October 27, 1980 that the UNESCO General Conference adopted a recommendation on the safeguarding and conservation of moving images, thus marking the cultural and historical importance of film and television archives. Fragility In the digital age, awareness of the fragility of our recorded heritage is still too low, and specialists estimate that we have no more than 10 or 15 years to ensure the longevity of these sound and visual archives.

Date and time

Open on 24/10/2024
  • Jeudi:from 14h30
