
Convoi militaire sur le circuit de la bataille d’Abbeville

Commemorative items (military / souvenirs)



A convoy of 60 to 80 vehicles will follow the Battle of Abbeville route, bringing together patriotic associations, flag bearers, officials and all the mayors whose towns will be crossed.

Provisional schedule:
9am: gathering at the Espace l?udique de l?Argolide kiosk (allée du 8 mai 1945)
9:15 am: Abbeville - departure of the convoy
9:25 am: Épagnette - Épagne
9:30 am: Eaucourt
9h35 : Érondelle
9h40 : Bray-lès-Mareuil
9:45 am: Mareuil-Caubert
9h50: Caumont
9:55 am: Limeux - crossing at the marshal's cross
10h05 : Huppy - stop and wreath-laying in front of the château
10:40 am: Béhen - passing through Les Croisettes
10h45: Béhen church (sequestered civilians)
10:50 am: Bienfay
10:55 am: Yonval
11am: Cambron
11h10: Cahon - stop and wreath-laying in the woods at the Léo 45 bomber memorial and the monument to the three Frenchmen shot on July 31, 1944
11:55am: Cambron
12.20pm: return to Abbeville on the military camp, passing by the side of the General Maczek Monument, route des Polonais and crossing the town center.

Date and time

Open on 07/09/2024
  • Samedi:from 09h00 to 12h30 and from 16h00
