
Stage de théâtre adulte


SAINT-VALERY-SUR-SOMME - Ecole des garçons


Zizanie in the Queneau

With Raymond Queneau, "fonétik" is the rule: everything is oral. And, just as well, so is theater. So here's a weekend of stage practice, based on language games, puns and the work of one of Boris Vian's greatest friends. 3 days of training under the guidance of Ludovic Lemarié (actor), culminating in a short performance and an aperitif with friends: "Envouatouassa danlgosier!"

A meeting of the third kind with Monsieur Queneau! Because our friend was also a keen observer, so attentive to living, spoken language. we're sure to enjoy discovering him together (or rediscovering him), and in person. To enable his words to take full shape and voice on our stage, and to best accompany the trainees in this exploration, the speaker will also resort to (stylistic) games and exercises of his own invention. In Queneau?s words, as eternal beginners we must relearn how to read, say, tell and even speak. A great "poet-poet", a magician of styles, a pataphysician, a lover of art and games, a savant-fool of phonetics, and Jean passe! Since there are undoubtedly at least "a hundred thousand billion Queneaus" to discover, there's no need to procrastinate any longer. Hop on the bus and join us for the adventure. In our theater factory, accept the joyful challenge of tearing Queneau to pieces, and you'll see, it's not so absurd.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 90€

Payment methods

  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 18/10/2024
  • Vendredi:from 20h00 to 22h00
Open on 19/10/2024
  • Samedi:from 14h00 to 17h00
Open on 20/10/2024
  • Dimanche:from 14h00 to 18h00
