
Maya une voix




Musical theater.

directed by Eric Bouvron.
Barefoot and The Big Funk Company.

When 8-year-old Maya decides to stop talking, everyone talks. But after five years of silence, her life is transformed when Madame Flowers moves to her village in the American South and takes her under her wing.

This is Maya Angelou's story. After demonstrating extraordinary resilience and discovering her path, she found her voice and became one of the most emblematic women of American artistic and political life. She became an author, artist and civil rights activist, alongside Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 19€
Reduced adult price 15€

Payment methods

  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 21/09/2024
  • Samedi:from 20h30
