
Samara Tango

Dance / Ball



If you're passionate about Argentine tango, this evening is for you. The Samara Tango quartet is a project that has been running since 2007, offering audiences the chance to discover high-quality traditional music for Argentine tango dancers. The repertoire ranges from Piazzola to Carlos Gardel, and will delight both experienced and novice dancers. These classic pieces from the dance repertoire will be the perfect opportunity to get together on the dance floor.
As an added bonus, the Samara Tango teachers will be offering a one-hour initiation before the ball opens, so that everyone can try out a few steps on the dance floor. In the middle of the ball, they will demonstrate the 3 dances of the tango ball: the Creole waltz, the milonga and the tango.
Just before this initiation and the ball concert, the storytelling workshop group will present its final performance at 6:30 p.m. in the Parc d'Émonville. A great way to close the season together!


Price Min. Max.
Child rate 8€ 10€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 27/06/2025
  • Vendredi:from 20h30
