
Tria Fata

For young people



Compagnie La Pendule

She's a puppeteer, he's a musician, and life and death play out in their cabaret. An old lady introduces herself: her time has come, and she's about to accelerate the panorama of her existence. All the metamorphoses of a life are presented to the spectator in an unusual, hallucinatory form. From birth to childhood, love to the end. We pass from one threshold to another in the glitter of unlikely figures and under the reign of the three Fates presiding over our destinies: the one who weaves the thread of life, the one who unwinds it and the one who cuts it; three Fates, three destinies. In collaboration with Léos Carax, Compagnie La Pendue created the artificial being destined to embody Annette, the puppet at the heart of the musical of the same name.

Production: Théâtre de l?Homme Ridicule. Coproduction: Le Tricycle Grenoble Support: Département de l'Isère, City of Winterthur Switzerland, Théâtre du Temple de Saillans, Ateliers de Couture et de Construction de la Ville de Grenoble. This show has received the support of SPEDIDAM, a collecting and distribution society that manages performers? rights to record, broadcast and reuse recorded performances.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 8€ 10€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash
  • Transfer

Date and time

Open on 18/03/2025
  • Mardi:from 20h30
