
Peace and lobe




The show is brought to life by a team of young artists active on the regional contemporary music scene. Styles and fashions have evolved, and so have practices! The arrival of video games, with individual listening on headphones at high volume, or the use of the telephone to fall asleep with headphones on, are all examples of problems that can, in the long term, have serious consequences for hearing. Without guilt-tripping or moralizing, the Peace&Lobe team encourages everyone to take responsibility for preserving the pleasure of listening!

Coproduction: A concert produced by ARA, with support from ARS Hauts-de-France, DRAC and Région Hauts-de-France, in partnership with Agi-Son.

Date and time

Open on 19/11/2024
  • Mardi:from 10h00 and from 14h30
