




PARTIE tells the story of Louis, a young Parisian town crier from a working-class neighborhood, who is mobilized in 1914. The play is conceived as an epistolary exchange between Louis, who has gone to the front, and his mother Eliane. Caught up in the ideological crushing machinery of official discourse, what remains of the man who sees himself going off to war? PARTIE is a singular encounter between theatrical performance and sound creation, inviting the audience to become involved in history? In this show, where everything is done on sight and the sound effects are created live in front of the audience, everyone comes away shaken.

Production: Compagnie LA BASE - Coproduction: SACD / Festival d?Avignon / Théâtre Dijon
Bourgogne - CDN / Le Théâtre des Quartiers d?Ivry - CDN du Val-de-Marne, L?Espace 1789 de Saint-Ouen, scène conventionnée / Théâtre Joliette, scène conventionnée. Supported by Département de Seine- Saint-Denis / SPEDIDAM / Le Théâtre de Rungis / Le CENTQUATRE - Paris / Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar / Théâtre Dunois, scène conventionnée. The company is supported by the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d?Ile-de- France.


Price Min. Max.
Adult price 12€ 15€

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • Postal or bank cheques
  • Cash

Date and time

Open on 06/11/2024
  • Mercredi:from 20h30
